Generating The Right Keywords For You

Keyword Generator

Keyword Generator is a keyword research tool that generates thousands of profitable keywords worth ranking for.

Generate tens of thousands of concealed long-tail keywords

Generate tens of thousands of concealed long-tail keywords

Digital marketers use Keyword Generator to find the greatest number of concealed long-tail keywords for their website copy. We generate these keywords using autocomplete APIs from multiple top data providers.

Learn your audience’s vocabulary

For every keyword that is generated, we show the exact monthly search volume & CPC data using Keywords Everywhere public API. This is useful to help you filter down from a large list of keywords to target specific ones to use in your website copy.

More datasources and more variety in keywords

The more the data sources,
The more the variety in keywords

If your target audience is more likely to learn from videos, then you should use the YouTube API to get keywords to target them. In the same way, if you are selling goods online, you should look at e-commerce APIs like Amazon and eBay.

The more the data sources you have access to, the better the chances of finding the right keywords.

Where your audience lives should change how you target them

People from different countries talk differently. In the same way, people from different countries search differently. Keyword Generator allows you to choose a specific country for your audience, and then only finds you the keywords that are used by people in that country. Having a localized keyword research process greatly improves the chances of you targeting the correct people.

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Search Engine Optimization depends heavily on Keyword Research

Search Engine Optimization depends heavily on Keyword Research

Keyword Research is the cornerstone for all SEO efforts. It does not matter how many backlinks you have or how optimized your website is if you have optimized your website to target keywords that no one searches for. Your search engine traffic depends first on whether you have optimized for a keyword with enough searches.

Adwords campaigns leak money with wrong keywords

Adwords campaigns leak money with wrong keywords

Keyword Generator will find for you every single keyword your audience uses, along with their search volume and CPC data using Keywords Everywhere public API. Decide which keywords to target with this data to get your clients the best ROI.